Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome to TwentySomethingMess

Welcome to the grand opening of TwentySomethingMess! I have 5 years and 1 month to get my life together before the name no longer applies so I’d better step on it.   Let me start by introducing myself: I am 24 and I live in DC with a roommate, E, and the love of my life- my dog Archie.  I studied Fashion Merchandising (good call, right?) and worked in retail management after graduation until I got burned out (don’t roll your eyes- you can absolutely get burned out at 24) and I now work in an office.  The fast pace is gone but so are many of my problems.  That didn’t seem to help my non-work problems but a start is a start.  I feel that we (twentysomethings) have so many different goals, dreams, fears, insecurities, questions, opinions, ideas, etc and that often we cannot express them in a constructive manner.  I am here because I want a place to share my ideas and struggles but also a place to share the things I love and interesting experiences that I’ve had.

My main goal is to get my shit straight.  Simple, right?  And how am I going to get my shit straight you may ask?  Well I have decided that I need to get 4 main areas situated and when they are situated I will consider my ish straight. 
1.       Professional:  I need to figure out what I want to do with my life.  I know that I’m not alone in that search.  I need to figure out what I like, what I’m good at, and how I can turn that into a career.
2.       Personal Interests:  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that many of my former interests have dwindled or disappeared completely.  Take painting- senior year of high school I loved painting.  What happened?  Did I grow out of it or do I still like it and I just didn’t have time for it anymore?  I need to take a look at my old interests and also try new things to cultivate new interests.
3.       Social: In college I was one of the party girls and was always looking for a good time- that’s part of sorority life, right?  As soon as I graduated I swear I came down with some crazy form of social anxiety.  I don’t do clubs like I used to- I can’t!  I don’t need the millions of friends that I had at school- I’m good with a few great friends.  One thing that I’m sure that many of you can relate to is that my friends are spread out all over the place- it’s so hard!  My goals include putting myself out there and getting to know new people- people outside of my comfort zone.  I also need to make a stronger effort to stay connected with my loves all over the country.  I mean New Jersey really isn’t that far- why can’t I seem to get my ass up there?
4.       Romantic: Ugh, yes I need to get my love life in order.  I don’t need to, but I’d like to.  I need to not let past hurt and broken relationships creep up on me and make reappearance in my life.  I also need to find a good place to meet guys that aren’t crazy.
My hope is that if I get these four areas in order, I will able to become the well-rounded adult woman that I want to be (there will probably be more areas that I decide are essential to my personal wellbeing but for now these are the four I’m going to focus on).  I’m going to make a massive amount of mistakes along the way and I’m sure there will be some teary wine-induced blogs down the road, but as of right now I’m beginning this journey starry-eyed and naive as hell that by doing this blog and focusing on the four areas above, I’ll find my happily ever after.  Buckle up- it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
<3 TSM

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