Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why Being Single Doesn't Suck

This past weekend my ex came into town and I got to thinking about relationships (woah, sound like Carrie Bradshaw much?).  Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely ADORE my ex.  He’s a great guy and I really love and respect him.  Here’s the thing that struck me: it’s been awhile since I was in a relationship and I’d forgotten how hard it is being around a guy (or anybody) every minute of the day. 
When people find out that I’m single, their immediate reaction is ‘oh, that’s ok- I know you’ll find someone.’  No shit I’ll find someone- I’m awesome.  There is a short period of time left in my life when I’m going to be single and I need to relish it.  There are so many benefits to being single and honestly, I don’t know why more people don’t BRAG about being single (maybe we don’t want to piss off our coupled friends??).  Here are just a few of my favorite things about being single:

-It’s all about ME.  I do what I want, when I want, how I want.
-I get to choose who I spend time with­-no smiling through time with his friends/family/coworkers.
-It’s all about my interests- I don’t have to (pretend to) care about baseball season starting or Call of Duty.
-No need to compromise
-I’m on my own schedule-if my plans change I don’t have to inform/check in with anyone (and don’t even get me started on people who have to ask permission to do something).
-None of this ‘what should we do/see/eat tonight?’ I know what I want to do/see/eat and that’s all that matters.
-I will not be forced to see Captain America.
-If I don’t feel like shaving for a day (or two…) it’s ok- I’ll just wear pants and nobody will know the difference
-My down time is all my own- I can sprawl out on my couch in sweats and watch as much shitty TV as I want and nobody will judge my choices.
-I can decorate however I want (see previous post).
-No toggling between watching SportsCenter and Real Housewives.
-Save money by not having to buy Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Anniversary, or birthday presents.
-My money is MINE to spend how I want.
-Nobody giving me hell about drinking waaay too much to drink the night before.
-Everything in my house is EXACTLY how I (or Archie) left it.  Nobody bitches if I leave a mess and I have nobody else’s mess to bitch about.
-Toilet seat.  Need I say more?
-When I come home from a rough day I can have peace and quiet.  Priceless.
-There simply isn’t enough room in my bed, what with me, Archie, and the 6 pillows I insist on sleeping with.
- It’s a very liberating and satisfying feeling seeing all that I can do and have accomplished on my own.  By being single I’m really learning a lot about myself and am becoming a stronger person.

There is going to come a time when I’m not single and when that time comes I’ll be at a different place in my life and I will welcome the changes that come.  I’ll want to compromise, share, and everything else that comes with being in a healthy relationship.  But until then- I’m literally LOVING being single and having it be all about moi.